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Monday, June 4, 2007


In the East, Tiger symbolize power, atmosphere Just and is strong and heroic.

As person which like to rebel, variety and is unpredictable, he hold to conduct honor and admiration from all angle. He [is] ferocious combatant and do not recognize to fear.

Tiger [is] pleasant person make to be invited to associate with, justly come [from] [of] you of ready make all kinds of incoming activity with dynamic personality [of] him. Vitality and spirit [of] people life of shio Tiger in the reality catching easy to. He clever awaken entire/all feeling in people x'self, except. And is undeniable, Tiger captivating this (it) is true like to become cynosure.

Born in of anxious Tiger and cannot keep silence causing snappish [him/ it] always to act. But, because its character which also easy to distrust, he sometimes become to hesitate or hurried take decision. Difficult to for him[s make to trust others or conquer turbulence of [his/its] emotion. But, although its temperament [of] heat, he are heartfelt also is, loving [of] darling and is liberal. Despitefully he have marvelous sense of humor.

In life of Tiger must there [is] in a moment where he will act only based of heart [him/ it] [so that/ to be] can play the part of all fanciful role which wanted [it]. That is, a[n opportunity of moment where he earn to pout [at] what do not agree of, abusing fussy society and jeer too fastening tradition. Tiger have to express x'self, upholding its identity and form its personality. Hence if only opportunity or rebellion to express opinion by blak-blakan on the market to [him], hence road;street that's to select;choose of to express, " This is myself!" Even though, nine from ten people among us even tend to to make him [him/ it]. We just may be [of] head around see its bravery or arrest;detain breath see mad [him/ it] action, but at the (time) of [is] same [of] us also do not forget to climb prayer at heart each for him[s, and even we follow to divide victory together our time [him/it] see success him.

If Tiger [is] sulking, he will require sympathy wagon of you. Don'T dispute who real correct and who is wrong.

At the (time) of like this chaffy logic [of] something for him[s. Don'T be reluctant amusing [him/ it], because he will amuse you twice the many if/when its inversed situation. The Tiger will like to listen wise words [of] you and will pay attention each;every advice. But, that non meaning he will follow [him/it]. After you go, yeah, there [is] big maybe [of] Tiger will go also and do what have planned of initialy!

Though its feeling intensity sometimes making [him/ it] rather [is] difficult pledged [at] moments depressing for him[s, Tiger still recognized can make to touch feeling of public. If [is], its person felt warmness, sympathetic and sensitive. On the contrary, if [is] relapsing, he is headstrong, cannot be tolerated and only at one's feet of its own will;desire.

Like also Fragon and Chicken, Tiger citizen have very big ego. Money, popularity and power will not mean something for him[s if its ego injure. In a state of this, Tiger can become most rotten troublemaker which you have meet. He will [do/conduct] any kind of to revenging [him/ it], even have to be redeemed by burning its own house. visible words trifle to others might possibly burn its emotion, though big things let through without disturb. Remember: Tiger most hateful if disregarded!

Two its weakness in life this [is] its hurrying [in] one [party/ side], and not its[his] take decision on the other hand.

If him he learn to make to split the difference, Tiger will represent remarkable person [of] success.

[In] subconsiousness, Tiger [is] one who are romantic very. He like to joke, but amicable also and sentimental at the same time, hence besotted him also if coincidence of you have an affair or married with a Tiger. But, important to remember he very possessive and like to ask for trouble if/when [is] is jealous.

As a whole, life of Tiger (it) is true fluctuate, to be colored by laughing, tear, despise, gladness;joy, hopeless and by each;every other feeling which recognized [by] human being. Nevertheless, do not ever feel pity for x'self. He do not need [him/it]. He can only love life if he [is] enabled to make its contents merge till satisfy, of course pursuant to way of which [is] selected [it] own.

Tiger [is] remarkable person [of] optimism, to always ready to return to new challenge.

Indonesian Citizen Tiger

Roeslan Abdulgani, Kris Biantoro, Abdul Gafur, Ismail Saleh, Ibnu Sutowo, Harmoko, Anton Hilman.

Citizen Tiger Of Other State.

Female of Anne, Stevie Wonder, Hugh Hefner, Marilyn Monroe, Agatha Christie, Karl Marx, Alec Guinness.

: ( [is] electroplated from The Handbook Chinese Horoscopes of, by Theodora Lau)

Each;Every Tiger [do] not be borned is [is] same....

[Hour/Clock] Born.

Click here to look for animal mastering time birth of you. Character of the animal will very having an effect on in life you, even possible more seen in personality of you than shio mastering year birth of you!


Hereinafter, possible you wish to see element influencing year birth of you to get more circumstantial boldness to marking making you [is] unique the than other Tiger.

Year unsure.

1842, 1902, 1962Tiger Water.

1854, 1914, 1974Tiger Wood.

1866, 1926, 1986Tiger Fire.

1878, 1938, 1998Tiger Land;Ground.

1890, 1950, 2010Tiger Metal.

Future and Couple.

Type is which most which fitt in with You? How your prospect in the future? You can get some guide by using Tables of Compatibility of unique us.

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