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Monday, June 4, 2007


liberal famous Citizen Fragon, zestful [of] life and is strong and heroic.

To Fragon, this life execute gorgeous panorama and he have to always participate. Egoist though, fanatical, is, capricious like to claim and sometimes cannot be tolerated, he have never lacking of admirer. As arrogant person, aristocratic and very frankly, Fragon usually compile its goals in young age and claim high standard and also perfection of humanity, [is] same as which [is] girded [his/its] own.

Fragon really is representing [of] warehouse of energy real. Its impatience, its emotional ambition and also the spirit [of] which on the verge of look like miracle, can flame up to fire tongue which [is] often portrayed [by] [is] from its mouth. Fragon like to execute everything in is big scale, and oftentimes he succeed to reach the target of which [is] wanted [it]. Any which [is] [done/conducted] [by] Fragon, ugly or good, seems always will become headline.

But, except he earn to learn [in order] not to plunge too early, Fragon can also cleanse [used up/finished] high emotional exist in him to the last remain just smoke. Citizen Fragon also the including them which quickly become fanatics to something matter. Chineman name Fragon as protector of power and properties, and it is of course also represent prosperity device. But, Fragon also represent animal sign which is [is] easiest to be hit " disease" megalomania, alias too is idolizing [of] ownself.

But, Fragon also enough often serve to its family. Anything form difference [among/between] x'self with old fellow or of brother-sister, will be direct fall into oblivion so they need its aid. Fragon can immediately overrule to feel its grudge and direct save them on time, without expecting recompense. However, its family also will obtain;get hot and long lesson so crisis end. Fragon seldom bast its words. [Is] told its view as reading off Communiqué Empire. Even he can boast about liberty of speech and democracy, don't have looked into is serious, cause he/she xself pretend [him/it] above law and do not always practice what its its[his].

Although its emotion often seen more angry, Fragon cannot be told sentimental, romantic nor sensitive. All kind of and love of love thrown to its fore part assuming of have its: all that have become its rights. But even he are is famous [of] hard head, less rational and cannot be tolerated if/when [is] sick over, Fragon can be direct forgive You so its dander explosion vanish. And because us also have to [is] forgiving each other, Fragon also expect pardon of You to mistakes which its[his]. Undeniable, Fragon alone sometime neglect to apologize. But, this happened not because of he is thick [of] face or do not have feeling, but just because Fragon do not have time made to explain their/his self nor (it) is true do not willing to be bothered by feeling inconsequential things and grudge; he is only wishing to continue its work.

To people of shio Fragon, owning certain intention or special mission in life [is] vital. Unhealthy for him[s make just without doing something. He have to always have motif make to be fought for; have target make to be reached; have principle make to be defended and advocated. Otherwise, how do you can expect so that fire in its liver always smolder?

people of Bershio positive super Fragon usually. There’s nothing can arrest;detain [him/it] sometime later, even if he [is] given on to boring problem, spirit [of] its quicker to life always awaken [is] again compared to others.

Particularly again, That fragon [of] person which is open very. You earn read like book. Difficult for him[s pretense show emotion which [is] that moment do not feel of. And (it) is true almost he have never try to do that way. He are distaste also secret saved, even not rarely he conscious to not unload[ly secret which have trusted of by others!

Its profit, feeling of Fragon always come from its subconsiousness. If/When he express to love You, hence You may feel sure that its statement is heartfelt.

Indonesian Citizen Fragon

Liem Sioe Liong, Roy Marten, Permadi SH., Ali Wardana, Nia Daniati, Good Ida [of] Supertitous Formula, Righteous Arief, Saleh Basarah, Bagong Kussudiarjo, Acmad Bakrie.

Citizen Fragon Of Other State.

John Lennon, Salvador Dali, Franc of Sinatra, Ringo Starr, Kirk Douglas, Prince of Edward, Sigmund Freud, Pele, Cliff Richard, Francois Miterand.

: ( [is] electroplated from The Handbook Chinese Horoscopes of, by Theodora Lau)

Each;Every Fragon [do] not be borned is [is] same....

[Hour/Clock] Born.

Click here to look for animal mastering time birth of you. Character of the animal will very having an effect on in life you, even possible more seen in personality of you than shio mastering year birth of you!


Hereinafter, possible you wish to see element influencing year birth of you to get more circumstantial boldness to marking making you [is] unique the than other Fragon.

Year unsure.

1844, 1904, 1964Fragon Wood.

1856, 1916, 1976Fragon Fire.

1868, 1928, 1988Fragon Land;Ground.

1880, 1940, 2000Fragon Metal.

1892, 1952, 2012Fragon Water.

Future and Couple.

Type is which most which fitt in with You? How your prospect in the future? You can get some guide by using Tables of Compatibility of unique us.

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