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Monday, June 4, 2007


Pig [is] sincerity device, moderation and remarkable resilient. strong and Gallant, Pig will devoted x'self [at] duties becoming its shares by might and main and can be pledged to finishing [him/ it]. But, he/she [is] human being most fair which you Have meet. citizen of Shio this popular and searched [by] many people, because as also Goat and Hare, Pig wish to realize harmonious between humanity.

wise and devoted pig easy to once construct useful and permanent friendship. He/She fond of [at] all kinds of meeting form, fond of to carry out parties and become celebrations host, also like to join forces with club and all kinds of bevy. He/She hate quarrel and debate and can create atmosphere making everybody feel easy goingly.

Trust of people to x'self and [his/its] integrity represent its prima facie excess. kindhearted pig seldom have intention hidden. But anyway, sometime he/she can too friendly and chummy pretend, and he/she also hope others can tolerate its weakness. Artless and its [his/its] also him [him/ it] as favorite prey [all] deceiver. Ready made [of] public secret, Pig and [his/its] dissociated easy money. too liberal pig better ask opinion one who more objective before before [releasing] its purse.

Although citizen of shio this can be told materialistic, but anyway he/she fond of to distribute what owning of. More which [is] given [it], more also which acquisition of. In character which is not individualistic and like to associate with making [him/ it] [is] always encircled by friend circle which progressively extend, which [is] allowed take its benefit from x'self.

But, Pig also stick to aphorism " My property [is] Your property also, and property of You [is] my property also." If coincidence of Your closed friend which [is] Pig shio come visiting to house, hence unashamedly he/she will batten Your food, attempted Your clothes, peripheral of Your golf, last model camera [of] You, newest car [of] You with easy going style. If/When You prohibit [it] do so hence he/she will answer to [him/it] felt unconvinced and its liver will injure.

He/She [is] never can comprehend and or accept mind one who will win [by] xself.

As really enjoying creature [of] earthly things, Pig have big passion. But, if he/she is not clever observe strong appetite and unable to apply x'self control, Pig can too [is] easy exploited by people who know how to use its weakness. Its carelessness in pursuing enjoyment even can make [him/it] fall to into lecherous dale [of] moral, if him too brought [his/its] negative current.

As lover, downright pig love with its heart and soul.

He/She very attention of have requirement of others and ignore how to hide its feeling. In adventure of love, good [of] Pig citizen which [is] woman and also men tend to terminating [him/ it] as sore [party/ side]. He/She difficult to forget someone which he have love, and ready to crack side hand until through years.

Can be told, especial weakness [of] citizen of shio this [is] its [his/its] make to say " [Do] not" emphatically to their/his self, its family and also its friends. If only he/she can arrest;detain its desire to do over many to others and [in order] not to promise something that exceed its ability, hence its difficulty will very is decreasing.

Indonesian Citizen Pig

Rhoma Rhythm, Rendra, Try Sutrisno, Wiweko Supono, Iwan Tirta, Yenny Rachman, R.M. Koentjaraningrat, Toeti Adhitama, Surono R.

Citizen Pig Of Other State.

Ronald Reagan, King Hussein, Woody Allen, Chiang Kai-Shek, Henry of Kissinger, Fred Astaire, Old Dalai, Barry Gibb, Ernest Hemingway, C.G. Type Of Sailing Boat, Alfred Hitchcock, Elton John.

: ( [is] electroplated from The Handbook Chinese Horoscopes of, by Theodora Lau)

Each;Every Pig [do] not be borned is [is] same....

[Hour/Clock] Born.

Click here to look for animal mastering time birth of you. Character of the animal will very having an effect on in life you, even possible more seen in personality of you than shio mastering year birth of you!


Hereinafter, possible you wish to see element influencing year birth of you to get more circumstantial boldness to marking making you [is] unique the than other Pig.

Year unsure.

1851, 1911, 1971Pig Metal.

1863, 1923, 1983Pig Water.

1875, 1935, 1995Pig Wood.

1887, 1947, 2007Pig Fire.

1899, 1959, 2019Pig Land;Ground.

Future and Couple.

Type is which most which fitt in with You? How your prospect in the future? You can get some guide by using Tables of Compatibility of unique us.

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